Summer Lovin’: 5 Refreshing Ways to Rekindle Your Relationship

5 Ways to Refresh your Relationship this Summer – Summer Lovin’

Have you stayed out ’til 10:00 recently?

Me neither.

And making out under a dock doesn’t seem too comfortable! Seriously, how about just sitting on the dock together and, yes, kissing too ?!?

Joking aside, now is a great time to have some fun in the sun.

Whether you’re looking to invigorate a long-term partnership or add some spark to a budding romance, I’ve got you covered with five refreshing ways to rekindle that summer lovin’. It’s the perfect time to reignite the flames of love and bring back that feeling of excitement in your relationship.

1. Turn Off Netflix

Embrace outdoor adventure instead. From hiking in the mountains to exploring new beaches, the possibilities are endless. Pushing your boundaries together will create unforgettable memories and reignite the sense of adventure.

Physical activity is a great way to redirect your mind away from cognitive stress and get your heart pumping.

2. Plan a Romantic Getaway

There is a reason why vacations are vital for self-care and relationship-care.

When you escape the mundane routine and whisk your loved one away on a romantic getaway, you’re chaning your location and your mindset. Whether it’s a cozy cabin in the woods or a luxury beach resort, the change of scenery will provide the perfect backdrop for reconnection and relaxation.

I’m host couples retreats in the Poconos. Click HERE to learn about current offerings.

3. Spice Up Your Date Nights

Maybe you have regular date night as a steady part of your routine (if so, good job!), and maybe it’s all you can do to put one foot in froth of the other each day.

Whatever your normal routine is today, I recommend taking advantage of the warm evenings to try something new, unique and exciting. Maybe you want to go axe-throwing, plan a backyard picnic, go to an outdoor concert, or stargazing under the night sky.

Indulging in fun new activities fosters intimacy and creates a sense of novelty. Click HERE for a list of 143 Date Night Ideas.

4. Pick Up a Shared Hobby

Perhaps the two of you used to enjoy a hobby together that has moved to the back burner. Now is a great time to discover new hobbies or revisit the one that brought joy to you in the past.

Here are some ideas:

  • Cook together
  • Take a film class
  • Pull out some art supplies and have fun
  • Learn a new language
  • Sign up for dance lessons

5. Communicate and then Stop Communicating

Relationship experts like myself love to tout the power of excellent communication skills. I stand by this because good communication decreases misunderstanding and increases vulnerability and intimacy. It’s important to clearly and respectfully ask for what you need, and you can find all kinds of advice about how to do this in articles such as THIS.

However …

Communicating too much, especially if you have more time on your hands this time of year, can lead to emotional fatigue. Don’t let relationship processing take the place of having fun and enjoying spending time together.

Couples therapists don’t spend enough time sharing advice about how to STOP COMMUNICATING. The first step toward this is to recognize that this is your goal. People committed to self-growth often make the mistake of believing that more is more instead of less is more. Here are 3 quick tips to stop a conversation that is no longer feeling productive:

  1. Let your partner have the last word. Then suggest an outing.
  2. Apologize for your contribution to the problem and express understanding. Then suggest an outing.
  3. Propose continuing the conversation at a later point because there is a lot more to say. Then suggest an outing.

After you close the convo, choose one of the items listed above (1-4) to have fun together.


Laura Silverstein, LCSW

Laura Silverstein is a Certified Gottman Couples Therapist, and author of Love Is An Action Verb.  She has thirty years of clinical experience and is the founder and co-owner of Main Line Counseling Partners, based in Bryn Mawr, PA. Laura is a frequent contributor to The Gottman Relationship Blog and has appeared as a relationship expert in media outlets such as the New York Times, ABC, and Today. She helps couples find more happiness as a research clinician, speaker, trainer, and writer with a positive, action-oriented style.

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